Thanking Your Body

Most of us are well practiced at saying “thank you” to others, but how often do we acknowledge and thank ourselves, let alone our bodies. We know how good it feels to give and receive thanks and yet we forget to include ourselves in this basic nicety and act of kindness.

Our bodies give us an amazing opportunity to experience the world around and within through our physical and felt senses. 

EcoNidra ™ and Forest Bathing both allow us to reconnect to ourselves and to nature by bringing awareness to our senses, our bodies and slowing down enough to simply bear witness to the wonder that is all around. These practices of pause and gratitude can build our self awareness, self confidence and inner strength. Thus, we recognize our own worthiness and ultimately treat ourselves and the world around us with greater care. These practices calm and soothe the nervous system and can literally help you sleep better at night.

A body scan is part of traditional yoga nidra. I like to add gratitude when practicing a body scan on its own by simply bringing awareness to one part of your body at a time, without judgment and then saying “thank you” to each part. If you are needing to focus, start from your feet and work your way up. If you want to relax, start from your head and work your way down. It’s a lovely way to begin or end your day. You can practice this anytime, even right now! (There will be a workshop coming on deepening the body scan practice).

In the spirit of unconditional friendliness remember:

“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.”

Chinese proverb

Thank you